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5. How to enhance partner and stakeholder engagement in demonstration project delivery, including by the private sector?

Key concepts & skills: • Value proposition • Reduce costs associated with risk exposure • Engage communities on improved water stewardship • Public-private partnerships and corporate environmental performance targets • Leverage and influence supply chains • Maximize the political and economic situation in the region • The notion of “shared problem solving”


Toolkits for Private Participation in Water and Sanitation (World Bank, 1997): A government that has decided to involve the private sector in the provision of water and sanitation can choose from many ways of doing so. Which are feasible, and which of these best fits local circumstances, will vary from country to country—and from city to city. Designed for governments to use as they begin to look for a private partner, this toolkit sets out the issues that a government must work through to identify which kind of private sector arrangement best meets its needs and circumstances.

Project 2586: Enhancing Partner and Stakeholder Engagement in IWRM Demonstration Project Delivery25.JPG

Project 867: Experience Note on Building Successful Technological and Financial Partnerships with the Private Sector to Reduce Pollutant Loading in the ‘Transfer of Environmentally-sound Technology (TEST) to Reduce Transboundary Pollution in the Danube River Basin’ Project

Project 867: Experience Note on Institutional Training and Capacity Building in Support of Private Sector Partnerships in the ‘Transfer of Environmentally-sound Technology (TEST) to Reduce Transboundary Pollution in the Danube River Basin’ Project

Project 2261: Experience Note on a Global Industry Alliance: Partnerships for Change in the ‘Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships)’ Project

More on the Private Sector Engagement section of the Project Manager Manual 58.jpg

Stories from the IUCN-WANI (Water And Nature Initiative):

Africa: Decisive Data Overhauls Divisive Dams in Nigeria; Crossing the Line to Conflict Resolution: The Story of the Kahe East Water Users, Tanzania; A Stranger Builds Trust among Nigerian States; Tanzania: Process Management is the Key to Dialogue; Ghana:Villagers Regain Autonomy by Re-storing their Water; Botswana: Coordination of river basin management across multiple scales, sectors and stakeholders; Nigeria: The Water Director’s Invisible Legacy; Governance - Enabling community participation in the Okavango Delta; Nigeria: Women Flex their Voices in Hydro-Democracy.

Asia-Pacific: Attapeu, Laos: health, nutrition and wetlands conservation, Laos; Giant catfish festival, Thailand; Mekong dialogues; Tai Baan empowerment of the Songkhram, Thailand; Togitogiga Catchment Coordinating Committee, Samoa; Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network; The Kadavu 'Living Wealth’ Management Team, Fiji.

Americas: El Salvador: Network of Coastal Organizations of Ahuchapan-Sonsonate (RIOCMAS); Guatemala: San Pablo Toac.

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