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Welcome to the Surfacewater COP


A network of learning champions

The users of this workspace are to be considered as a network of learning champions for surface waters. They act as a catalytic coalition among GEF IW projects to promote learning that meets project-level priorities. The CoP will remain active throughout the IW:LEARN third phase.

The CoP is designed to be responsive to the learning needs of the GEF IW projects and to strengthen the influence of learning on GEF IW project planning and activities. Projects will be linked through this CoP according to their learning needs, experience and knowledge available.

Nested communities also exist within this CoP that are roughly based on the themes identified below in the learning resources section, although other CoPs are also emerging over time around other themes that span water systems.

A repository of learning resources

This CoP does not attempt to be a repository for all data or documents generated by GEF IW or other projects but, rather, will serve as a clearing house for emergent results (e.g. case studies, reports) that can influence the practice or science of transboundary surface freshwater management.surfacelearningresources.png

A core set of learning resources includes links to materials that are accessible on other websites such as WANI. Content will be further developed and built interactively through the life of the CoP by participants.

Core learning resources include:

  • toolkits on key topics in water management, namely:
    • ecosystem valuation and natural infrastructure,
    • climate change mainstreaming and adaptive management,
    • policy, legal and institutional reform process,
    • multi-stakeholder platforms and IWRM planning,
    • transboundary water management and institutions,
    • flow management and water allocation;
  • collections of case studies that provide technically-detailed information on practical implementation of water management tools;
  • 'stories from the field', which are shorter but provide practical inspiration to catalyse learning and exchange among projects.

A programme of learning events

The CoP is also an opportunity to apply learning in practice for improved project delivery. A programme of learning events and facilitated knowledge exchange has been developed to promote application of the CoP’s learning resources to problem solving, planning and strategy formulation, and implementation.

This includes targeted face-to-face time at regional training workshops as well as a schedule of blog posts and monthly topics of conversation as advertised above.

Learners will thus be empowered to apply what they are learning in practice, to stimulate change processes necessary for GEF IW projects to reach their goals. Outputs from this process of action learning will be added as CoP learning resources to this workspace.

To interact with members of this CoP or to engage in discussions, please login to https://community.iwlearn.net/communities/surface-freshwater-cop.

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